About this Space
Viewing Room
A 40-seat Viewing Room is located on the Lower Level of Morris Library for use by faculty and teaching assistants giving media-related presentations to University of Delaware classes. (It is not available for scheduling as a substitute for a regularly-scheduled classroom or as a meeting room for clubs or other campus groups.) It is equipped to show videos in VHS (NTSC and PAL) and DVD (multi-region, standard definition, and Blu-ray) formats. Projection equipment includes a rear-screen high-definition multimedia projector with Dolby surround sound. A computer with a connection to the multimedia projector is available for use in accessing the Internet. If projection capabilities for a personal laptop are required, please notify staff prior to the screening and arrange a time to test compatibility.
Please Note: A faculty member or a designated teaching assistant must be present to conduct or monitor classes during screenings in the Viewing Room.
The Viewing Room should be vacated at least fifteen minutes prior to the closing time of the Student Multimedia Design Center.