Located in the Morris Library on the Lower Level, the Film & Video Collection acquires audiovisual materials in physical and eVideo formats (including over 25,000 programs on DVD, Blu-ray, gaming and legacy formats and 70,000 eVideos) to support a variety of disciplines. You may search DELCAT for these materials. The Collection is for use primarily in support of teaching and research by University of Delaware faculty and students. The Circulation Department and Student Multimedia Design Center provide circulation services for Film & Video Collection items, as well as a scheduling service to facilitate media use in support of University classes and authorized programmatic functions. The Student Multimedia Design Center assists patrons in utilizing the audiovisual materials in the Library. Twenty-three individual and group viewing carrels and a 40-seat Viewing Room are located within the Film & Video Collection viewing and gaming area.
Film & Video Collection items may be used onsite in viewing and gaming carrels by users with University of Delaware ID cards, UD English Language Institute students, Delaware State University ID cards, Delaware Technical and Community College ID cards, or University of Delaware Library Public Borrower Cards. For information about checking media materials out of the Library, please see Circulation and Scheduling Policies.
Scope of the Film & Video Collection
This collection includes feature films from the silent era through to current releases, and educational programs spanning a wide array of subjects from anthropology to zoology. Also included are console-based video games acquired in support of coursework for PlayStation, Xbox, Sega, and Nintendo consoles.
The Film & Video Collection purchases newly-acquired titles on DVD (standard or high-definition). Videotapes will only be purchased if a title is specifically requested for research or class use and not available in DVD format. Every effort will be made to purchase a legal DVD copy of any item in the collection on videotape upon request. eVideo content will be licensed to support online courses as institutional licensing models and the Library budget allow. Please allow adequate time for licensing requests and DVD acquisition — contact staff with requests well in advance of anticipated use dates. If a legal copy cannot be obtained, staff can assist instructors in finding other suitable materials.
The Library maintains equipment on site which can play all media formats contained in its collection. Please see Our Spaces for more information on these formats, as well as for information on the 40-seat Viewing Room, which can be scheduled for class use.
Video Game Collection
Consoles currently available for use in the Film & Video viewing carrels include PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch, RetroN 5 and WiiU. A collection of games in support of course instruction are available for circulation when not reserved for class use. Instructors requiring assistance incorporating gaming materials into class instruction are invited to contact Film & Video Collection Librarian Meghann Matwichuk via the Ask Film & Video web form.