Use of Equipment
All users and staff of the Student Multimedia Design Center (SMDC) are bound by the University of Delaware’s Policy for Responsible Computing.
- Access to the open area workstations, Studios, and Classrooms is available to individuals with a valid UD ID or who have a valid ID card from Delaware State University or Delaware Technical and Community College.
- The Microforms collection and equipment, the Map Collection, and the CD-ROM collection and workstations are accessible to all users.
- Individuals under the age of 18 who are not University of Delaware students may use the equipment in the Center only if accompanied by a parent or guardian who holds one of the accepted IDs.
- Users may connect their own personal devices to the equipment; however, support for such equipment may not be available.
- Users should refrain from disconnecting equipment in the studios. Any issues with the equipment installed in the studios should be reported to the service desk.
- Faculty and students are advised to have Student Multimedia Design Center staff provide an orientation to the resources in the Center prior to beginning a project.
- Faculty seeking someone to instruct their class about a component of multimedia or students seeking additional help should schedule an appointment with Amanda McCollom, Jess Barth, or IT-Academic Technology Services. Submit an AskSMDC form to request an appointment.

Student Success and Curriculum Partnerships
Personal Data
- The SMDC and its staff are not liable for any loss, damage, or expense sustained by any user due to the use of the SMDC services, equipment, software, or information.
- Workstation hard drives are cleared of any user files each night.
- Users may install their own software; however, support for such software may not be available.
Borrowed Equipment
- Equipment for loan is available to University of Delaware students, faculty, and staff who must provide a valid UD ID.
- If equipment is damaged in a manner not consistent with normal wear and tear, the borrower will be held responsible for replacement costs. For more information, see the Circulation policy.
Printing (self-service)
- There is a fee associated with printing. In order to print, you must use the following: UD1/FLEX Card (University of Delaware ID Card) OR Library Copy Card.
- You may view the University’s printing policies at Printing to UD IT Supported Printers.
All users and staff of the Student Multimedia Design Center are bound by the Morris Library’s policies with regard to conduct. These policies may be viewed at:
Intellectual Property and Copyright Policy
All users and staff of the Student Multimedia Design Center are bound by the University of Delaware and University Libraries copyright policies. For more information on copyright policies and laws, you may visit the following links:
Copyright Research Guide
University of Delaware Copyright Guidelines
Resources to legally obtaining music and movies online
Video Taping
The privacy and security of the users in the Library is a primary concern. Videotaping and photography may take place only in the footprint of the Student Multimedia Design Center, located on the lower level of Morris Library.
While videotaping and/or taking still photography in any of the Studios, Classrooms, or open area workstations in the Student Multimedia Design Center, students should be respectful of disturbing others and not include images of others in their taping without the consent of these people.