Older Media Formats and the Legacy Media Carrel
By Mike Gates, Student Multimedia Design Center
Do you have some pieces of older video or audio media sitting at home in the attic? Perhaps media formats that you no longer have the equipment needed to enjoy them? You may be in luck! The Student Multimedia Design Center (SMDC) has recently added a new media viewing station to aid Library users in their quest to bring dormant media back to life.
Over the past several decades, the Film and Video Collection in the SMDC has retained many pieces of legacy media equipment and, recently, several of these players have been refurbished by SMDC staff! The equipment is available for use at the new Legacy Media Carrel.
For an overview of the new Legacy Media Carrel, check out the video below!
The media viewing stations are available for reservation during SMDC open hours, and may be reserved in person at the SMDC Service Desk or over the phone by calling 302-831-8832. Reservations can be made up to a week in advance.
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