Microphone Placement Tips
Text and video by Kyle Krieger, Student Multimedia Design Center
When creating a video project, one of the most important things to consider is the placement of the microphone. Proper microphone positioning significantly impacts the audio quality and the overall auditory experience of the project.
This video below provides advice on microphone positioning and discusses some useful tips when planning audio for your video project.
At the Student Multimedia Design Center (SMDC) in the Morris Library, you can obtain microphones and equipment to make the most out of any photoshoot. Stop by and check out what equipment and services the SMDC has to offer!
Music: ”The Air in Spring” by Marshall Usinger from Free Music Archive.
This article is part of the weekly series “Multimedia Tips and Tricks,” which shares content in response to frequently asked questions at the Student Multimedia Design Center. We’d love to hear from you. Please share your feedback with us by filling out our survey.