The Education Resource Center (ERC) is a branch library of the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press and serves students, faculty and staff who need access to materials for preschool through grade 12 (PreK-12) curriculum resources and related services for the preparation and professional development of educators in support of national and Delaware content and performance standards.
Located on the ground floor of Willard Hall Education Building Room 012, the center provides a specialized collection of books, and technologies, testing materials in educational-related disciplines. The ERC also provides access to all electronic resources, e-journals, e-books and databases provided by the University of Delaware Library.
Space Information
The Education Resource Center is comprised of three spaces, the first room being a PreK-12 fiction collection with table seating for both individuals and groups. Beyond the PreK-12 collection is the Curriculum Room, which holds core curriculum materials, collaborative group seating, and computer stations with access to education-oriented programs. Lastly, the SMART Board room, Room 018, is a group study space or small class space with seating up to 10. It features a UX60 SMART Board paired with a dedicated computer station as well as AV connections for a laptop. The SMART Board room is available on a first come, first serve basis.
Additional Information
- Services
- ERC Curated Collections
- Contact Information and Staff
- Testing Kits and Forms
- Department of Education and Human Development
- Education Libguide