Foreign Films

Browsing for foreign films

The Film & Video Collection has thousands of foreign films available for viewing. Click on the appropriate link below to browse our collection for select films in the chosen language.

Please note: The links below do not represent all films held by the University of Delaware Library in a given language due to the subtitle factor described below.  You may use the “Format” boxes to select languages in DELCAT as well, however you are likely to get a number of “false hits” for this same reason.

Sometimes an English film may appear in the search results since it was dubbed or has subtitles in the chosen language. The picture below of a Chinese language film search illustrates that the film “2001, A Space Odyssey” was originally shot in English, while the film below it, “2046” was originally shot in Chinese. Checking this language field can help verify the original film’s language if you are uncertain.


An image depicting how to locate the "Language" field when browsing WorldCat search results.

Language List