Morris Library Offers Book Retrieval, Office Delivery
Two new services provide convenience for UD community
Research is a multi-layered process. Simplify part of that process with new services from the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press.
UD undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff can now request books be held for pickup at the Circulation and Reserve desk in Morris Library. To do so, submit an online request with the “Get This For Me!” button found on the listing for most books in the Library’s catalog. Once requested books are ready for pickup — typically within one business day — the individual will be notified.
If the Library does not own or have a given book available, staff will request it from another library through Interlibrary Loan. This process typically takes 7-10 days.
Faculty and staff have access to another new service that streamlines the research process — book delivery to departmental offices on the Newark campus through campus mail.
All books that can be checked out from Morris Library, the Chemistry Library, the Physics Library, the Marine Studies Library and the Library Annex are eligible for office delivery, as well as select books requested through Interlibrary Loan.
Materials from Special Collections, the Student Multimedia Design Center, the Film and Video Collection, and larger items that are difficult to mail are not available for delivery.
To request office delivery, use the “Get This For Me!” button and select the “Deliver to Campus Office” option. Items will be delivered to the building listed as your campus address in the UD Directory within four business days. An Interlibrary Loan account is required for this service. If you have not previously used Interlibrary Loan, please email askILL@udel.libanswers.com to request office delivery.
Materials can be returned in person to Morris Library or by campus mail.
For further information, please visit: library.udel.edu/circulation/request/