DELCAT Updates


The Library has moved our catalog, DELCAT, to a new platform known as Alma. Alma is an integrated library management system that supports the tasks necessary to keep the library in operation. These include acquisitions, cataloging, fulfillment, and assessment. An additional product, Primo, is running the discovery interface that library users see. Primo works seamlessly with Alma to optimize real-time discovery and delivery of library resources. Alma and Primo are cloud-based solutions provided by Ex Libris, part of Clarivate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: I’ve received a notice about library material that is coming due, but I’m not sure it’s correct. What should I do?

A: With the switch to ALMA we are working through technical issues as they arise. If you have received a notice that you are unsure about, we encourage you to log into your account and check due dates on items, or renew your materials. If you have any questions, please contact the Help Center at Morris Library. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Q: What are the benefits and why have we moved to this new system?

A: While our former system, powered by OCLC WMS (WorldShare Management Services), served us well for nine years, it had some limitations. Alma allows us to better expose local collections and provide users with a more intuitive research experience. This new product also provides the Library with better workflows for functions such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection management and circulation. Finally, the Library now has access to far better analytics, allowing us to better understand the needs of our community. Alma and Primo are continually being developed and new features are being added on a continual basis.

Q: Where is my old list of favorites?

A: Old lists created in the former platform are no longer accessible. However, the new system does have the capability to allow users to log in and save lists of favorites.

Q: Why don’t my old links to library resources work?

A: Links to items from the old library system will no longer work. Faculty should review their course pages, syllabi, and other places where they would have created links to library materials and rebuild them by searching for the item in the new system.

Q: Does the login work the same way?

A: Yes, the new platform asks users to authenticate through the university’s Central Authentication Service (“CAS”). There will be no need for new passwords or login procedures.

Q: Whom should I contact if I need help or encounter an issue?

A: The DELCAT implementation team can answer any questions that you have. You can reach us by sending your question to: You can also contact your subject specialists for help using the new system or check out our guide to DELCAT.