About this Space
Our open study areas are a mix of individual carrels and tables. There are open study areas on all floors of Morris Library. Most are considered quiet areas, with the exception of the Student Multimedia Design Center (lower level) and the Information Room (1st floor).
- Lower level: outside of study rooms, on the perimeter of the stacks and in GroupLink table area
- First floor: the Information Room, Room 115 and the Reference Room. *Note that after 5 pm, Room 114 is open study.
- Second floor: the atrium, outside of Administration and along the East side of the building (facing The Green)
- Third floor: West (facing South College Ave.) and East (facing The Green)
Quiet Study Spaces
There are quiet study areas and spaces in the Reading Room on the first floor, the Atrium on the second floor, and throughout the third floor.