Collaborating on a Grant Proposal

The Library, Museums and Press welcome the opportunity to collaborate with UD faculty and administrators on grant proposals that involve staff expertise, collections, and infrastructure.

Before Submitting Your Grant Proposal

We ask that potential partners schedule an in-take meeting with the appropriate staff member to discuss their initial ideas for the project, whether it be a new proposal or a repeat submission. Assuming the planning process continues, the faculty member should then schedule a second meeting to discuss the full scope of the proposed project in advance of adding Library, Museums and Press staff or infrastructure to the proposal. This meeting should include a discussion of the budget needed by or provided to the Library, Museums and Press to ensure that we have the resources to carry out the responsibilities outlined in the proposal. Faculty are also expected to share a draft of the final grant proposal. Based on past experience partnering on faculty-led grant projects, we find that clear and consistent communication is key to a successful partnership with the Library, Museums and Press.

Grant Proposal Guidelines

Here are some questions to keep in mind as you start to draft your proposal:

  1. What are your expectations of the Library, Museums and Press in terms of personnel, resources, services, equipment, space, access, and/or funding?
  2. What kind of expertise do you need from the Library, Museums and Press? (Provide examples)
  3. For how many months or years do you anticipate that the Library, Museums and Press will need to support this project? Do you expect the needed support to extend beyond the duration of the grant period (e.g. long-term hosting of digital objects)?
  4. How will the staff contributions be attributed in subsequent publications and projects?
  5. If any digital products are created as a result of the grant, will the final product be added to the Library’s digital collections and openly accessible?

Limitations on Grant Participation

Because of resource constraints and competing priorities, the Library, Museums and Press cannot guarantee participation in all projects. Any grant proposal requiring staff time or other resources from the Library may require signed approval from the Vice Provost to indicate that the Library agrees to commit resources to the project.