Organizational Initiatives

Pauline A. Young Residency

The Pauline A. Young Residency is a post-graduate appointment for early career librarians. Currently, the Library, Museums and Press is hosting one resident:

Jeanne Kambara is the 2023-2026 Pauline A. Young Resident and OER Publishing Librarian, working in the Digital Initiatives and Preservation Department. In their residency role, Jeanne is developing an OER publishing program at UD Library, Museums and Press. In collaboration with individuals and departments across the organization, such as liaison librarians and the UD Press, they are working on raising OER awareness on campus and supporting faculty in authoring and publishing OER projects.

Learn more about the Pauline A. Young Residency program


To strengthen organizational equity and justice, Ithaka S&R, and the libraries at the University of Delaware and Binghamton University developed and launched an anti-racism talent management audit. A complete review of the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press initiatives is available in 2016-2018 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Review Assessment, November 19, 2018.

Anti-Racism Resource List

This list of anti-racism resources was curated jointly by the staff of the Library, Museums and Press and includes resources for information professionals, educators, and the general public.

The UD Anti-Racism Initiative was created in 2020 as a grassroots effort, led by UD faculty, staff, and students.