Film & Video Collection materials can be accessed several ways. You may check out DVDs, Blu-rays, video games, etc. from the Collection by placing a request one business day in advance by clicking Request in the item’s DELCAT record (these items will be held at the Help Center on the first floor of Morris Library). For same-day service, you may visit the Student Multimedia Design Center service desk on the Lower Level of Morris Library when the Center is open. You may also view or play materials on site in the audiovisual and gaming carrels. The Library, Museums and Press offers scheduling services for Film & Video Collection items to instructors, as well as a Viewing Room which can be booked for class sessions utilizing media.
The Library also provides access to over 100,000 eVideos, including feature films, performances, and documentaries. eVideos can be found by searching DELCAT. Additionally, you may browse streaming media databases to which the Library subscribes via the Media Research guide.
If you are an instructor seeking more information about incorporating streaming media into a course, please contact Film & Video for assistance.
If you have a question, please reach out to the Film & Video Collection librarian via the Ask Film&Video service.