2019 Student Book Collecting Contest Now Open
UD students can submit their collection for chance at $1,000 prize
Whether it’s a growing number of carefully preserved comic books, countless editions of Harry Potter or a series of travel books, book collections take many forms. Often, people can be book collectors without realizing it.
University of Delaware students are encouraged to submit their collection in the 2019 Student Book Collecting Contest for a chance to win a first-place prize of $1,000 or second-place prize of $500.
A collection shares a central focus between its many items, be it author, genre, aesthetic, subject or cover art. Submitted collections will be judged on their purpose, meaning, intellectual content, personal connection, coherence and creativity. They can include hardbacks and paperbacks, as well as photographs, artworks, manuscripts, playbills or ephemera.
Students interested in participating must submit a completed application and essay. Submissions are due May 15, 2019.
The contest, sponsored by the Friends of the University of Delaware Library, aims to encourage reading and research, as well as the creation of personal libraries.
For further information, please visit: https://library.udel.edu/giving/book-collecting-contest/