Typically five working days is necessary for processing material. At times of heavy demand, such as the beginning of the semester, processing material may take longer depending on workload.
A completed Electronic Reserves Reading List form must accompany submitted material before your request can be processed. To assure legibility, forms should be typed.
The University of Delaware requires digital content to comply with accessibility standards. To assist the Library in complying with accessibility standards, the following are best practices when preparing and submitting materials for electronic reserve.
- Confirm that the photocopier or scanner surface is relatively clean in order to minimize stray marks from appearing on the copy or scan.
- Confirm that you have a fairly legible original from which to photocopy or scan and that the photocopy or scan produced is fairly legible.
- Avoid writing on or highlighting the document or crossing sections out, if possible.
A Microsoft Word electronic document form can be downloaded below. Please fill in all required fields. Using the “tab” key will move the cursor from one field to the next. A blank form can be obtained by downloading and printing out the form without completing any fields. Full bibliographic citations are required for each article submitted (please refer to the sample form PDF).
Faculty who would like materials on electronic reserve only may submit their lists and documents via UD Dropbox using the instructions on the E-Reserves Guidelines page.
All Electronic Reserves material will be removed from the library server at the end of the semester.
For more information, contact:

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