Public Borrower Information

The University of Delaware Library consists of the:

Morris Library Main Library Newark
Chemistry Library Brown Lab Newark
Education Resource Center Willard Hall Education Building Newark
Marine Studies Library Cannon Lab Lewes
Physics Library Sharp Lab Newark

Online Access to the Library

DELCAT Discovery, the online catalog of materials in the University of Delaware Library and libraries worldwide, is available via the University of Delaware Library web at Off-campus access to databases, full-text articles, and ebooks is available only to University of Delaware students, faculty, and staff due to license restrictions.

Visiting the Library

Anyone may enter the University of Delaware Library and use books, periodicals, government documents, and electronic resources such as DELCAT Discovery within the Library building. Visitors who are not members of the University community should report to the Welcome Desk, located just before the turnstiles, to show photo identification and sign in to access the Library.

Visitors under 16 years of age need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter the building. For their safety and well-being, children should be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Public Borrower Cards

Visitors who are not members of the University community can purchase a Public Borrower Card to check out materials. Public borrowers who are 18 years of age or older and visit our building often may purchase a UD ONECard to use to enter through the turnstiles without needing to sign in at the Welcome Desk, as well as to borrow materials in place of the Public Borrower Card. Please visit the Help Center to purchase a Public Borrower Card or UD ONECard.

How can I purchase a Public Borrower Card?

To purchase a Public Borrower Card or UD ONECard, stop at the Morris Library Help Center at any time the Library is open. Visit this webpage for Morris Library hours or call 302-831-2965 for Library hours. Photo identification and proof of residency such as a driver’s license is required to purchase a card.

The annual non-refundable fee for a Public Borrower Card or UD ONECard (for frequent visitors to allow access through the turnstiles) covers 12 months of borrowing privileges beginning with the date the card is purchased:

Delaware residents $ 25 annual fee
Out-of-state residents $ 60 annual fee

Credit cards are accepted for payment at any time at the Morris Library Help Center.

Students and faculty from Delaware State University and Delaware Technical and Community College have borrowing privileges at the University of Delaware Library at no cost, as part of a reciprocal agreement, and must present their institution’s ID card and proof of current registration to receive a borrower card at the Morris Library Help Center. Graduate Students from Chesapeake Information and Research Library Alliance (CIRLA) institutions can obtain borrowing privileges by presenting a completed CIRLA Direct Borrower form and their institution’s ID card.

How can I renew a Public Borrower Card?

To renew a Public Borrower Card or UD ONECard in person, stop at the Morris Library Help Center at any time the Library is open. Visit this webpage for Morris Library hours or call 302-831-2965 for Library hours. Photo identification and proof of residency such as a driver’s license is required to renew a card. To renew a Public Borrower Card remotely, please contact AskCirc. Photo identification and proof of residency such as a driver’s license is required to renew a card. All requests to renew Public Borrower Cards remotely will be handled via U.S. mail. Library staff will not ask Public Borrowers to submit proof of residency electronically.

A Public Borrower may borrow most library materials for 30 days. All items are subject to recall by other users. Public Borrowers are unable to use authenticated online forms such as “My Library Account” because they are not eligible to receive the UDelNet IDs these services require.

Public Borrower Circulation Policies

  • A Public Borrower may borrow most library materials for 30 days. All items are subject to recall by other users.
  • A Public Borrower may borrow up to 10 items at a time.
  • Public Borrowers are unable to use authenticated online forms such as “My Library Account” because they are not eligible to receive the UDelNet IDs these services require.
  • Public Borrowers do not have off-campus access to databases, full-text articles, and ebooks.
  • A Public Borrower does not have access to the multimedia computers or equipment for loan in the Student Multimedia Design Center.
  • A Public Borrower is not eligible for interlibrary loan service (in which libraries borrow materials from other libraries for users) or delivery services. Public Borrowers who need items not in the University of Delaware Library may consult with their local public library, the library at their place of employment, or their school or college library.
  • Public Borrowers are unable to use authenticated online forms such as “My Library Account” because they are not eligible to receive the UDelNet IDs these services require.
  • Public Borrowers may use materials from the Film & Video Collection on-site within the Morris Library. Priority use of Film & Video items will be given to University of Delaware students and staff. Films and video games do not circulate outside of the Library to Public Borrowers. Assistance with the Film & Video Collection is provided through the Student Multimedia Design Center (SMDC) service desk on the library’s lower level. Please check the SMDC hours here, before visiting.

May I renew books? Is it possible to renew books by phone?

If you have any questions about the material checked out on your account and their due dates, please use the AskCirc service and receive answers via email.

What are my responsibilities?

  • A Public Borrower Card is not transferable and a Public Borrower must show some form of photo identification (such as a driver’s license) when using the Public Borrower Card.
  • All library users are subject to inspection of all materials, bags, briefcases, knapsacks, etc. upon exiting the Library.
  • A Public Borrower is responsible for keeping track of due dates and for returning or renewing library materials by the due date. A Public Borrower is responsible for all materials borrowed and is liable for charges for lost or damaged materials and invoice processing fees.