Delaware State University and Delaware Technical and Community College
For University of Delaware Students, Faculty and Staff: University of Delaware students, faculty, and staff may obtain a card at the libraries of Delaware Technical and Community College or Delaware State University at no charge. To do so University of Delaware students, faculty and staff need to present a valid institution identification and proof of current registration.
For Delaware State University and Delaware Technical and Community College Students, Faculty and Staff: Students, faculty, and staff from Delaware Technical and Community College and Delaware State University may obtain a card at the University of Delaware Library at no charge by presenting a valid institution identification and proof of current registration at the Morris Library Help Center.
Library Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing
For University of Delaware Faculty: The University of Delaware Library participates in the “OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program” which provides the capability for faculty members of participating institutions to have library borrowing privileges and on-site access to the collections of some of the most important research libraries in North America. More than 180 institutions participate in the Program.
The purpose of the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program is to promote and facilitate scholarly research and communication among members of the faculties of participating institutions. The Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program is sponsored by the University of Delaware along with other members of the Association of Research Libraries which are online to OCLC, the Online Computer Library Center in Dublin, Ohio.
A brochure about the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program with a list of current participants is available. Any faculty member who is interested in obtaining a Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program brochure and/or card should contact Nora Bonsall.

Library, Museums and Press
Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Cards are issued for a period of one year and are not transferable and are available only to full time continuing University of Delaware faculty.
CIRLA (Chesapeake Information and Research Library Alliance)
For University of Delaware Graduate Students: The CIRLA Direct Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement provides matriculated University of Delaware graduate students the capability to obtain borrowing privileges at participating CIRLA libraries.
Instructions for University of Delaware Graduate Students
- Students need to obtain the CIRLA Direct Borrowers Form at the Morris Library Circulation Desk before visiting other libraries.
- The user must present the CIRLA Direct Borrowers Form and an institutional photo ID card at the Circulation Desk of the lending library.
- The lending library will, upon presentation of a properly completed CIRLA Direct Borrowers Form and photo ID card, register the student for borrowing privileges.
- The lending library will establish a specific end date for privileges.
- The lending library will provide a library card and information regarding library policies and loan periods.
- The lending library may refuse to renew borrowing privileges if there are outstanding fines or books on the borrower’s record.