America's Historical Newspapers

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America’s Historical Newspapers features cover-to-cover reproductions of historic newspapers. The first series of this collection is based largely on Clarence Brigham’sHistory and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820 and offers an unprecedented look back into the extraordinary history of the United States—the story of its people, ideals, commerce, and everyday life.

The core of the Readex collection is formed by Isaiah Thomas’ collection of colonial and early national period newspapers and supplemented by nearly two million issues added by Thomas’ successors at the American Antiquarian Society. Numerous other institutions and historical societies have contributed to the collection including the Boston Athenaeum, the Connecticut Historical Society, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the Library of Congress, the libraries of universities such as Brown and Harvard, and private collections.

Some of the early content of America’s Historical Newspapers complements Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800.

This collection can also be searched on Readex AllSearch, an integrated platform that combines Readex’s primary sources into a single cross-searchable interface.

Coverage: 1690s-1922

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