General Policies For Borrowing ERC Test Kits
The following guidelines apply to all UD faculty, staff, and graduate students:
- Testing materials including: manuals and booklets are not to be written in, highlighted, or marked.
- Students are permitted to only two test kits at a time no exceptions.
- Students are restricted to one kit for each testing category.
- Test Kits cannot be requested through ILL, and must be retrieved in-person at the ERC.
- Students will have a 3 day loan period no renewals.
- Students must wait 24 hours before checking out the same test kit.
- Faculty will have a 14 day loan period with 1 renewal.
- Faculty requesting multiple test kits must notify the ERC department head at least 1 week in advance for approval.
- Due to multiple parts included within the ADOS-2 test kit, faculty and students requesting the ADOS-2 test kit must notify the ERC department head at least 1 week prior to circulation.
- Test kits are due back to the ERC 7 days before the last day of the semester and or holiday breaks.
- Each borrower must verify components within each test kit upon the check-out and check-in process.
- Failure to return test kits by the posted due date will result in the patron’s account being charged the full replacement cost and associated fees.
- Borrowers assume full responsibility for all materials checked-out, and are liable to remit payment for damaged or missing items. Damage includes but is not limited to: excessive marking, water damage, torn page or missing pages.
- Fines are not assessed on days the library is not open.
* Please note there are no refunds or returns on purchased protocols.
Department and Faculty Communication
Curriculum leads should notify the ERC with their anticipated test kit needs (including consumables/forms needed for assessment courses) in mid October/May during the Budget planning process for the next fiscal year. Providing this information in a timely manner will help the ERC ensure sufficient stock is available to meet the needs of the curriculum. *Please note that with the Library’s reduced budget, ERC may not be able to purchase items requested.
Curriculum leads should reach out to the ERC to provide the number of test kits that will be needed for assessment courses at least a month prior to the start of a new semester. If the number of kits requested are not available, the Curriculum lead should work out a schedule with their faculty partners to develop a workable schedule to transfer test kits between their sections. The ERC will review the tenability of the schedule, and provide alternatives for a smoother experience.
Ethical Guidelines for Test Kit Usage and Copyright Restrictions
- Borrowers are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines set forth by the APA in Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct while handling psychological assessment materials.
- Borrowers are expected to observe copyright laws when administering psychological assessment and handling all materials within the test kit collection.