Multimedia Project Planning

Brief Description:

This activity asks students to plan for their multimedia project by identifying the specifics of the content they need to find or create. At the beginning of the project, students may have a sense of what they need to find, but setting aside the time to brainstorm the details of their project can be helpful and timesaving when searching for content and compiling the project. The worksheet covers a range of multimedia types; questions are included for each type of multimedia to prompt students to think about their project needs.

Primary Learning Outcome:

  • Evaluate how the tone, medium, and intended audience of a source impact the delivery of its message, particularly when creating one’s own multimedia project. (4.3)

 Additional Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop a plan for creating and sharing a multimedia project and describe the rationale behind those choices in terms of the project’s medium and audience. (4.4)
  • Articulate how a project is strengthened by sources that represent multiple perspectives, points of view, and mediums. (3.2)

 Time Needed:

15-20 minutes



Introduce this activity by encouraging students to think specifically about what they need to find or create for their multimodal assignment. The more descriptive they can be in thinking through their various multimedia needs, the more direction they will have when searching for the content.

After students have completed the worksheet, have them discuss their brainstorming results with a partner. In talking through their content needs together, students can help each other identify potential ideas and sources for their project.

Instructor’s Notes:

The worksheet covers an array of different multimedia types and it works well for open-ended assignments where students have a choice in what type of media they create. Direct students to fill out only what applies to their project, or modify the Microsoft Word version to fit your specific project needs. This activity works best when students have identified their topic and medium and have already begun to think about the specifics of their project.

Brainstorming the various multimedia sources needed for a project is only one step in the planning process. The Storyboarding and Podcast Planning activities provide worksheets and resources to help students with the next steps in planning. The Finding and Citing Creative Commons Images activity guides students through finding and providing attribution for Creative Commons images. Students can search for and then evaluate a multimedia source, using the worksheets in the Expanding Evaluation Strategies for Traditional and New Media Sources activity.

Questions about this activity? Contact Amanda McCollom.

Creative Commons BY-NC-SAMultimedia Project Planning by Amanda McCollom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.