Library Teaching Support for English 110

Support for Research Assignments

To request an in-person or online class session, contact Lauren Wallis or submit this form. A librarian will design an interactive class session specific to your assignment and students’ needs. We can also consult on assignment design, in-class activities to scaffold the research assignment, or ways to integrate supplemental learning materials into your Canvas course.

New in Fall 2024: English 110 Research Workshop, Sept. 23, 4:10-5:00, Zoom. Open to all ENGL110 students. The workshop will cover developing keywords, using DELCAT and databases, and accessing sources. Give students this link to register.

Support for Multimodal Assignments

Contact Amanda McCollom to discuss your multimodal assignment and library support options. Amanda can help with scaffolding the assignment, recommend resources for students, and customize Canvas materials.

New instructors and instructors trying a new multimodal assignment can request a one-time librarian-led session. This session can serve as a model for how you might teach similar content in future semesters and topics can include understanding media genres, project planning, finding open-licensed creative content, production basics and design/editing tools.

All E110 instructors can reserve the Student Multimedia Design Center’s Windows or Mac classroom for a class session. You can use this space to demonstrate the editing process or coach your students as they work on their projects or explore new software. LinkedIn Learning courses and interactive tutorials are available to help students learn how to edit audio and video. Learn more about our reservation policies and submit your request.

The Student Multimedia Design Center has all of the equipment, software and production spaces your students need to complete their projects. Individual help is available for students at the SMDC desk during open hours or by appointment.

Online Tutorials, Research Guides, and Videos

Research Projects

  • English 110 Interactive Research Tutorial: Students watch the E110 Research Strategies Videos and apply the skills they learn. Find module links and additional information here.
  • Source Evaluation Tutorial: Students practice evaluating perspectives represented in a source and investigating who is responsible for creating a source beyond the author. Find module links and additional information here.
  • Arak Research Process Interviews: These videos feature winners of the 2017 Arak Award discussing their research process and offering advice to their peers.

Multimodal Projects

  • Canvas Module for Multimodal Assignments: Go to Canvas Commons and search “Library Resources for Multimedia Projects”; download and import into your Canvas course. This module contains separate pages for video projects, podcast projects, and graphic design projects. You can unpublish the pages you don’t need. Feel free to rename the module, customize content as needed, or split the content into different modules.
  • Multimodal Video Series: This collection of three stand-alone videos provides an overview of concepts and skills to help with multimodal projects. The videos cover the five stages of the digital storytelling process, design principles for graphic design projects, and practical tips to enhance video and audio projects. The videos are also available on the E110 research guide and the Canvas module.
  • Software tutorials: All students have access to LinkedIn Learning, which provides courses for learning how to use editing software. Explore suggested courses for video projects. If you have a podcast assignment, consider assigning the Audacity tutorial (also available as a module in Canvas Commons)

Resources for Instructors

Assignment Packages

Looking to try a new multimodal assignment for your course? Explore the video, podcast, and graphic design packages, which include an instructor’s guide with a sample timeline for the project and resources for students. Contact Amanda McCollom to discuss customizing these materials for your own assignment.