Cameron's Collection - Mental Health Resources for Students

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In partnership with the Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation, Gale Publishing has created Cameron’s Collection to help academic libraries support students in need of mental health information. Almost two-thirds of students report feeling overwhelming anxiety at least once during the academic year. The idea of seeking help can seem over-whelming when one is already dealing with stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. By providing access to this collection of eBooks geared toward college students, the University of Delaware Library hopes to give students and their supporters a safe, private and easy-to-use resource that will make a difference in the lives of UD students.

Titles in Cameron’s Collection are available in the library or remotely 24/7, allowing students to access what they need anytime and on their own devices. The entire collection can be searched at one time or by individual title. Excerpts, chapters and books can be read online, sent to GoogleDrive or OneDrive, or downloaded to a personal device such as an eBook reader or MP3 player for listening. Contents can be translated into multiple languages.

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