New York Times (

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To use New York Times (, you must register at NYT Group Pass and provide your University of Delaware e-mail to complete registration.  Once your registration is confirmed, click on the “Connect to Resource” button above, then “Sign In” to use New York Times ( from anywhere.

Detailed instructions are available on how to create and renew a account.

Important note on renewing NYTimes account: requires that accounts be renewed every 4 years. You will not receive a message warning that your account is about to expire or has already expired. If you find that you no longer have access, it is most likely because your account has expired. To renew: Click on the link above for “detailed instructions” and follow steps 1-4.


The New York Times online includes the same articles and feature text and images that appear in the print edition, but also an array of additional resources including images, videos, audio, graphics, and data content. Crosswords are not included in this Group Pass subscription.

Coverage: Limited access to 1923-1980; Full access from 1981 to the present

New York Times articles and indexing are also available from:

  • The New York Times (ProQuest Historical Newspapers), provides full page and article images with searchable full text of the New York Times from 1851 to 4 years ago.
  • Academic OneFile and General OneFile provide the full text of New York Times articles, 1985 to the present.
  • Nexis Uni provides abstracts of articles in the New York Times (Final New York City Edition) from January 1, 1969 to May 31, 1980 and full text from June 1, 1980 to the present.
  • Global Newsstream includes the New York Times, 1980 to the present.

To download the NYT app for your mobile device, go to the appropriate app store.

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